Healthy Home Consultation
Toxic lead paint is the #1 environmental health risk to young children, leading to permanent IQ loss as well as attention and behavior disorders that appear as a child ages. Lead poisoning is also the most preventable environmental hazard.
This professional consultation will help you in understanding common lead paint hazards in homes, and instruct you on how to identify potential hazards using instant lead test kits (provided) before they harm you and your children. This in-home consultation lasts about 1 to 1-1/2 hours and we can answer questions about maintaining a lead-safe home and provide tips on simple cleaning and home maintenance tips to keep your home healthy and safe on a modest budget.
Learn the basics on how to maintain a lead-safe home and invest in your child's future by protecting their precious early brain development from birth to age 12.
A great house-warming or baby gift for a family you love in a pre-1978 home.